Issue 41.1 is in press!

Our 40th anniversary issue, Vol. 41 No. 1, is in press and will be on its way soon. It is also our first issue to be posted with Project Muse.

The contents follow:

Special Issue

Beside Thinking
Guest Editor: Sowon S. Park

Sowon S. Park 5

The Body as Language
Terry Eagleton 11

Von der Überlegung: Of Wrestling and (Not) Thinking
John Zilcosky 17

The Mad Poet in Horace’s Ars Poetica
Péter Hajdu 28

Thought Censorship under Totalitarianism: A Precarious Relationship between Thought and Voice in Mandelstam

Takayuki Yokota-Murakami 43

Doing Literature without Thinking: Paralogical Devices and the Literary Field

Marko Juvan 54

Observing, Guessing, Drifting: Para-Noetic Methods in Detective Fiction

Stefan Willer 72

Welcome to the Desert of Not Thinking
Walid Hamarneh 86

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